Sundar. A, Feinauer. A, Petrasch. J, Qi. L & Bala Chandran. R, Thermodynamic and Kinetic Modeling to Evaluate CO2-induced Corrosion via Oxidation and Carburization in Fe, Ni alloys, In preparation
Journal articles
Sundar. A, Bugallo-Ferron. D,, Hu. Y, & Qi. L, (2022). Automated hierarchical screening of refractory multicomponent alloys with high intrinsic ductility and corrosion resistance, Accepted, MRS Communications
Sundar. A, Yu. J, Qi. L & Cinbiz. M, (2022). High temperature stability and transport characteristics of hydrogen in alumina via multiscale computation, In Press, International Journal of Hydrogen EnergyDOI
Sundar. A, Huang. Y, Cinbiz. M, & Yu. J, (2022). The impacts of charge transfer, localization, and metallicity on hydrogen retention and transport capacity, In Press, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Volume 47, Issue 46, 20194-20204. DOI
Hu, Y.,Sundar, A., Ogata, S., & Qi, L. (2021). Screening of generalized stacking fault energies, surface energies and intrinsic ductile potency of refractory multicomponent alloys, Acta Materialia, 116800. DOI.
Sundar, A., Chen, G., & Qi, L. (2021b). Substitutional adsorptions of chloride at grain boundary sites onhydroxylated alumina surfaces initialize localized corrosion. npj Materials Degradation, DOI.
Sundar, A., & Qi, L. (2021). Stability of native point defects in al2o3 under aqueous electrochemicalconditions. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry. DOI.
Lu, H., Reese, C., Jeon, S.,Sundar, A., Fan, Y., Rizzi, E., . . . Goldman, R. (2020). Mechanisms of ganquantum dot formation during nitridation of ga droplets, Applied Physics Letters, 116(6), 062107 DOI.
Li, W., Nomoto, K.,Sundar, A., Lee, K., Zhu, M., Hu, Z., . . . Gao, X. et al. (2019). Realization of ganpolarmos using selective-area regrowth by mbe and its breakdown mechanisms Japanese Journal ofApplied Physics, 58(SC), SCCD15. DOI.
Vishwanath, S.,Sundar, A., Liu, X., Azcatl, A., Lochocki, E., Woll, A. R., . . . Peng, X. et al. (2018). Mbegrowth of few-layer 2h-mote2 on 3d substrates, Journal of Crystal Growth, 482, 61–69.. DOI.
Sundar. A, Chen. G & Qi. L (2022). Title: Modeling of Chloride Effect on Localized Corrosion Initiation at Grain Boundary Sites of Passive Oxide Surfaces. In 2022 mrs spring meeting & exhibit, Honolulu, USA.
Sundar. A, Bugallo-Ferron. D, Hu. Y & Qi. L (2022). Title: Computational Search for BCC Refractory Alloys with Enhanced Strength, Ductility and Corrosion Resistance. In 2022 mrs spring meeting & exhibit, Honolulu, USA.
Sundar. Aditya. Chen. G, & Qi. L (2021). Title: Electronic structure mechanisms to explain the onset of Cl-induced localised corrosion in Al2O3. In The Minerals, Metals \& Materials Society 2021 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Orlando, USA
Hu. Y, Sundar. Aditya, & Qi. L (2021). Title: Screening of generalized stacking fault energies, surface
energies and intrinsic ductile potency of refractory multicomponent alloys. In The Minerals, Metals \& Materials Society 2021 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Orlando, USA
Sundar. Aditya, Kinzer. B, & Bala Chandran. R (2021). Title: Oxidation and Carburization Behavior of Iron- and Nickel-based Alloys in Supercritical CO2 Environments. 2021 MRS Spring Meeting \& Exhibit, Phoenix, USA
Kinzer. B, Sundar. Aditya, & Bala Chandran. R (2021). Title: Oxide Dispersion Particle Clustering Using Phase Field Modelling in Nickel-Based Superalloys. 2021 MRS Spring Meeting \& Exhibit, Phoenix, USA
Sundar. A, & Qi. L (2019). Title: Electric Field Dependent Ionic Transport in Passive Corundum Al2O3 from DFT: Application to Localized Corrosion. In 2019 mrs fall meeting & exhibit, Boston, USA.